Virtual Capstone Exhibition:
May 14 –August 28, 2020
URL coming soon!
VPA is pleased to present the 2020 Senior Capstone Exhibition, featuring works by
Kishany Alcala, Donna Carranza, Jackie Ceccato, Celine Chambers, Kelsey Ferry, Adam Gota, Anthony Jimenez, Kana Kawano, Jenn Martinez Lara, Carole Napier, Seamus Noll, Madeline Rapella, Raffaele Reade, Kristen Salgado, Ariangilee Senter, Ashley Sopko, Selena Valdivia, Angeliah Vargas, Alberto Vazquez, Raquel Wright, and Lillian Zamora
Note: This page is under construction.
The information below was updated on May 8, 2020. Please check back for more information on capstone exhibit.
CAPSTONE Festival 2020 | Visual and Public Art
VPA Senior Capstone Festival Schedule
DATE: Friday, May 15, 2020
TIME: 10:00 AM–12:30 PM
LOCATION: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 962 0942 2948
(see additional Zoom information below)
10:00-10:30 AM: Introduction & Acknowledgments
10:00-10:05 AM: Professor Angelica Muro, VPA Chair
10:05-10:10 AM: Dr. Ilene Feinman, Dean’s Medal
10:15-10:20 AM: Professor Normi Burke, VPA Service Learning Award
10:20-10:25 AM: Professor Dio Mendoza, Distinction in the Major
10:30-10: 35 AM: Dr. Stephanie Johnson, Capstone Instructor
10:35-10:40 AM: Senior Capstone Speaker
10:40-10:45 AM: Overview – Virtual Exhibition
10:45 AM: Kishany Alcala
10:50 AM: Donna Carranza
10:55 AM: Jackie Ceccato
11:00 AM: Celine Chambers
11:05 AM: Kelsey Ferry
11:10 AM: Adam Gota
11:15 AM: Anthony Jimenez
11:20 AM: Kana Kawano
11:25 AM: Jenn Martinez Lara
11:30 AM: Carole Napier
11:35 AM: Seamus Noll
11:40 AM: Madeline Rapella
11:45 AM: Raffaele Reade
11:50 AM: Kristen Salgado
12:00 PM: Ariangilee Senter
12:05 PM: Ashley Sopko
12:10 PM: Selena Valdivia
12:15 PM: Angeliah Vargas
12:20 PM: Alberto Vazquez
12:25 PM: Raquel Wright
12:30 PM: Lillian Zamora
Professor Angelica Muro, VPA Chair
additional info. for ZOOM SESSION
Topic: Visual and Public Art Capstone Presentations
Time: May 15, 2020 09:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 962 0942 2948
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